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UnitPlus - Pitch Deck - Seed funding

7- Figure Pitch Deck

Creating a pitch deck for a fintech startup that enables their customers to pay with stocks.

Group 101.png

The Challenge

Paying your cappuccino with stock options.  That was the bold mission of UnitPlus, who wanted to create a bank and a payment card that would enable everyone to benefit from low-interest financial products. They needed a pitch deck to attract seed funding so set up the company, and I was in for the ride!

My Role

Storytelling, visual design, early stage mockups, early stage brand design, and presenting to potential investors.

The Situation

What's the problem?

Brining an entirely new way of payment to the world requires genius minds and seed funding! The pandemic had just started and required all of us to work remotely. We started to create the pitch deck when it was just the CEO and CFO. A few weeks in we met the CTO and started to refine the pitch deck

Design strategy

The strategy - one fact per slide, simplified

One strong statement per slide was my strategy to capture the investors' attention. Letting go of anything non-essential to the business idea. Learning from great pitch decks of Airbnb, Klarna, and many others, I refined a set of packed slides that were just too much to comprehend. I collaborated in remote evening sessions with 

1. CEO - Fabian Mohr
2. CTO - Sebastian Segue
3. CFO - Kerstin Schneider

Until we had a pitch deck worth presenting. I took part in several investor pitches to present customer-facing slides when we were done with the deck. Take a look: 

1 _ Pitch Deck Intro.png
2 _ Mission Statement.png
3 _ Problem Statement.png
4 _ Problem Statement.png
5 _ Problem Statement.png
8 _ Solution Intro.png
9 _ Investment Card.png
10 _ Solution Details.png
11 _ Target Group.png
12 _ Geldanlage.png
13 _ Positive Feedback Loop.png
14 _ Competition.png


Privacy for UnitPlus

I left out all slides for unit economics, revenue model, business model, technical implementation, funding plan, team and go-to-market strategy as they are more personal. 

The pitch deck fetched a

7- figure seed funding sum

Today, UnitPlus has 20 employees and tens of thousands of customers.

Last words


I learned that every idea, no matter how novel or complex, can be told simplified. The feedback I received from various entrepreneurs who saw the pitch deck was overwhelmingly positive. I attest this to the amazing teamwork we had while creating the deck, the relentless commitment of the founding team to simplify the story of a novel way to do banking, and the trust they have put in me to apply storytelling skills.


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